Family Relationships Find a way to contact them

This is because they don’t want to admit that they don’t know all their family members. Sit with our parents and ask them about their younger brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and others. Draw a family tree and save a copy in the computer or on paper. Whether it’s a phone number, e-mail, profile on facebook, …

9 Methods of Improving & Strengthening

Among the problems in Muslim families in modern times is division. The breakup of this silaturrahim relationship is something that is not good. Because indirectly, it will have a big impact in weakening the ummah. With the breakdown of traditional extended family structures and migration to big cities and other countries, we have lost touch …

Giving Parents the Opportunity to Get Involved

A third reason why homework is so important to student success is that it allows children to benefit from parental involvement. Students who have parents who are active in their education often do much better in school. And without homework, parents have little opportunity to get involved. Homework allows parents to see what their children …

What is the Importance of Homework to Students

In recent years, there has been an ongoing debate among academics about the extent to which homework can contribute to students’ academic success. In fact, some claim that schoolwork is burdensome and should not be given to students. Although various theories are issued by those who are said to be intelligent, most teachers still give …