Transition to VK Ads: What to Prepare for? 

Transition to VK Ads: What to Prepare for?  According to Miascope, VK services cover more than 90% of the RuNet audience. In fact, VK is a monopolist in the Russian-language Internet.

Transition to VK Ads: What to accurate mobile phone number list Prepare for?  The new advertising platform – VK Advertising – will unite all advertising services. As official representatives say, the new advertising account has receiv all the best from the old account and from the MyTarget account.

As we experts say: ahem, not quite so.

Ingate took part in beta testing, and we can confidently say that the account is good and show high results, but it was not without shortcomings (let’s hope that these are growth points that our colleagues from VK will soon fix).

So, what are the results?

Automation of processes and saving how to improve your organic search rankings in 7 simple steps time for targetologists. Now you don’t ne to create creatives for each platform. You just ne to add pictures and texts and launch the campaign. The platform itself adapts ads to the requir formats and display locations.

Availability of an optimizer.

Transition to VK Ads: What to Prepare for? – Image 2
As before: let’s imagine that you have a campaign with three ad groups. You spend 1,000 rubles on each ad group. This does not take into account which ad group brings in more results.

With the optimizer, the system itself ristributes the budget depending on the results. By the way, this point also affects the number of hours the targetologist works, since previously we manually track the efficiency, disabl ad groups and ristribut the budget.

Three-level structure of advertising campaigns. Now you can create ad groups and test hypotheses within one campaign.

Efficiency. During testing, VK advertising show great results. For example, one of our clients saw the subscriber cost drop 10 times! But it is important to note that during testing, the competition within the account was much lower. Most likely, VK Advertising will be more effective, but not with such cosmic results as during the test.

The new account has many more new functions, but this article is not aim at showing you the functionality. We just want to tell you about what was and what has become, as well as the risks of the transition. And now about the disadvantages:

Lack of some formats.

For example, the new account does not have the TGB format. Let’s skip the debate about the effectiveness of TGB, and just mobile list accept it as a fact: there are clients who care about the numbers in their mia plans. And there are many such clients. When making offers to such clients, agencies sew a small budget for TGB into the calculation. After switching to VK Advertising, agencies will have to renegotiate with clients. And we understand that such renegotiations may not be painless. By removing this format, VK add problems to those who buy advertising from it. But it is a monopolist, it can do it. 

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