Big Idea for Business: A Formula That Helps Sell

Are there any differences between the concepts of Big Idea (BI), creative concept and creative strategy?



Of course, there is a difference in the overseas data concepts: Big Idea  is  an idea that aggregates a product, the nes of the target audience and the brand message. BI is part of the creative concept, which necessarily contains a strategy, specific communication channels and BI implementation mechanics.

The main value of BI  is  the integrity of communication, i.e. you consistently broadcast one message across all communication channels. In addition, good (I emphasize) BI hits the target, so hitting the audience’s heart is not a problem. And where there is a loyal audience  ,  there is an effective result.

Adventum Agency

Big idea applies to the entire company/product, i.e. the concept/strategy/decisions must be subordinat to the Big idea.

The value of a Big Idea  is  in the key differences between digital and traditional marketing general “coordinate axis” on which the rest is subsequently locat. Effective brand development is possible without a Big Idea, but in this case it will be chaotic and disjoint.

Alexander Salangin, Creative Director of Ingate

The concepts of Big idea and creative concept are often confus. I separate them according to the principle of “who has more”. A big idea can include a series of simultaneous or successive creative concepts and strategies.

The value of the Big Idea  is  to be a generating matrix for a mass of successful activities. For example, the Big Idea “There are things that can’t be bought, for everything else there is Mastercard” has cyprus business directory liv unchangfor a decade and a half in various communications around the world, and liv very productively.

Alexey Mishenin , WowDigital Agency

Big Idea  is  a precise and comprehensive thought that underlies all advertising communications.

The creative concept  is  a complex product. It is bas on the Big Idea, but the creative concept also shows how the Big Idea is revealein various communication channels (SMM, video, banners, special projects, etc.).

If an idea answers the question “what are we communicating?”, then a strategy answers the question “how are we communicating?”. Strategy takes into account brand positioning, competitive analysis, audience analysis, and other factors to select the most appropriate ways to convey an idea to the right audience.

Big Idea  is  the foundation. If you try to make creative decisions without it, brand communication will lose its integrity. OOH layouts will have one key idea, videos will have another, and videos  will  have a third. This prevents the audience from forming a clear idea of ​​the brand and, in fact  ,  prevents building awareness and loyalty.

Dr.JUNG Agency  

A big idea  is  the principle on which a large-scale advertising campaign is built (one meaning that unites consumer insight, brand proposition, market). At least, that’s how it should be.

The concept itself has been actively transform over the years. What the father of the term, Ogilvy, call the Big Idea and what is call it in briefs now  are  completely different things.

Ogilvy said that he had come up with about 20 Big Ideas during his career, and that a Big Idea lives for many decades. But now, in client briefs and agency presentations, it is usually just a headline that briefly describes the essence of the advertising campaign.

A creative strategy  is  a well-found set of measures to achieve specific goals. Depending on the scale, it can prece the Big Idea or, on the contrary  ,  describe its deployment.

Ideally, a well-develop Big Idea will help maintain consistency across brand communications over many years while maintaining their uniqueness. In practice, a campaign or strategy that can be explain in 1-2 short sentences will likely be clearer to consumers and work better.

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