Mastering a language without making the slightest effort, without going to school, without studying grammar or conjugation rules … The dream French naturally ! But is it possible to learn a foreign language like a child? If so, how does this method work? What strategies can learners put in place to learn French naturally ? Answer in this article!
Natural language learning is a concept put forward by American linguist Stephen Krashen.
According to him, learning a foreign language should be done unconsciously, without effort or theory. This learning would be the result of a natural process of acquisition. This process is similar to the one that children adopt when they learn their mother tongue.
If there is a natural approach to learning
then there is also an “unnatural” method. This would be the one practiced at school. This method involves an active and conscious study of the language: we study the theory and the rules of grammar.
Basically, the natural approach focuses on practice and communication rather than the technical aspect of the language.
The 5 hypotheses on the acquisition of a second language
Stephen Krashen has identified five netherlands whatsapp number data main hypotheses about second language acquisition. From these hypotheses, we can propose strategies for learning a language naturally.
1. Hypothesis of second language acquisition
There are two ways to develop language skills: through acquisition and through learning. Acquisition is an unconscious and intuitive process, while learning involves active and conscious study of the language.
For Krashen, acquisition is more mark lucas ceo important in developing language proficiency.
2. Hypothesis of the natural order
Learning a language happens in a certain order. Our brain masters certain grammatical structures before retaining others. So, sometimes we make a lot of progress and then we get stuck for months. This is normal: it takes time for our brain to process certain information.
3. Input hypothesis
To progress, you need to expose yourself to content that is at a slightly higher level than the learner.
4. Monitor Hypothesis
As adults, we tend to want to analyze everything and correct every mistake we make. Formal grammar learning helps us correct our mistakes, but its role remains limited when it comes to communicating in the second language.
5. Affective filter hypothesis
Emotions play a vital role in foreign language acquisition
Negative feelings such as fear or stress hinder learning. It is important to feel relaxed and confident in order to master a language.
Can you learn a foreign language like your mother tongue?
Is it possible to learn a foreign language as a child? There are two main schools of thought when it comes to this question.
The first school believes that an adult does not learn like a child. To master a language, he must rely on theory and knowledge of the rules. The second school is the one to which Stephen Krashen belongs. It is the idea that one must learn in a natural way, without focusing on aleart news grammar and by exposing oneself to the language as much as possible.
Who is right? At Français Authentique, we believe that there is no need to oppose these two methods. They are not opposed, but rather complementary.
At the very beginning of learning, when you have no knowledge, you need theory. You have to start with a theoretical approach that allows you to progress. Conjugation,
But at a certain point, theory no longer helps you progress. Once you have assimilated the theory and acquired a certain level of listening comprehension, you can move on to practical learning. And there, the most important thing is to expose yourself to the language by listening to a lot of authentic content.