Instagram Data Service


 If these are robocalls, the messages

have likely already played when the calls were first connected. The responding agents, then, are greeted by “dead air” but must still waste precious time confirming that there is, indeed, no person on the other end. TOLL FRAUD Bad actors using

autodialers are exploiting

contact center inbound and outbound call lines for illegal gains through several types of toll fraud.


 Toll fraud is a kickback scheme pe

rpetrated by a threat agent or criminal organization Instagram Database in partnership with a rogue carrier. High-value toll-free numbers, such as those used by call centers, are often the targets. Calls to those numbers are free to the callers, while the organization utilizing the number pays a per-minute per call fee to the number provider.


 That provider, in turn, distribute

s a portion of that fee to every carrier in Your Ticket to Toll-Free Convenience (It’s Not a Local the call path. The criminal goal, then, is to simply keep the calls “alive” for as long as possible

in order to generate the mo

st revenue. In some cases, the automated incoming call is programmed to generate random keypad inputs once answered that keep the call circulating through the center’s IVR.


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