Alexander Sopenko , creative and strategic director of DARK agency (Affect Group)
For us, Big Idea includes: audience research, searching for its insights and behavioral characteristics, formulating communication messages, one or two versions of Big Ideas, examples of their implementation and distribution across channels.
Team: creative and strategic director, creator, phone number library strategist, art director, designer, if necessary, experts from the PR, media, SMM and production departments. |
Gleb Ivanyushkin , CEO of DOT Digital Agency
Naming, key visuals, options for conveying ideas through visual images (logo, packaging, etc.)
Our creative platform is created by: a creative director, an analyst, a copywriter and a designer. |
Prospects for the development of Big Idea
According to experts, the potential for Big Idea in-house team or digital marketing agency: who can be the best choice for your business’ digital marketing? development on the market is high. The service is promising both for mium-siz brands and for the transition from mium to large businesses. Small companies, on the contrary, do not apply for the service.
A properly develop BI is an excellent opportunity to stand out from competitors, to convey the company’s philosophy and message to the buyer, especially since the user’s information field is already oversaturat.
If we talk about BI as a creative concept, then both popularity and potential are at a high level. New mechanics and new tools appear, but the fact that they all need to be organized and brought under a common denominator remains.
In our agency, creative concept is the number 1 cyprus business directory most popular service. |
Adventum AgencyIn the market of large brands, ideas are dictated from outside, the service is promising for medium brands and transition to large ones. Small brands cannot use it. The potential is high, as the trend is upward.
We currently have several clients using this service. |
Alexander Salangin , creative director of Ingate
Such developments are often closed. Not every brand publishes the entire “logical chain” of creative developments. I am sure that the Big idea is relevant now and will be relevant in the future. In addition, a well-formulated Big idea is an effective tool for agencies to sell themselves to the client. |
Alexey Mishenin, creative director of the digital agency Wow
Big Idea is the basis of a creative concept. And without a creative concept, very few advertising products can exist. And this is precisely one of the tasks that creativity solves.
Almost all of our products have a creative concept as a mandatory element: websites, SMM, videos, advertising campaigns, special projects, etc. |
Alexander Sopenko , creative and strategic director of DARK agency (Affect Group) |