Hi! In today’s video, I’m going to talk to you about my spiritual path and the evolution of my faith The evolution .
Hello and thank you for joining me for this new video. Before we begin, a warning. You have understood, probably, today, we are going to talk about spirituality, religion. If this is a subject with which you are not comfortable, if you do not want to hear about this subject, well I invite you right now to turn off this video. Maybe you are interested in Authentic French only for learning French. And if that is the case, there are plenty of other videos on the channel for you and for your learning of French.
This is the first time I’m going to talk
religion, on this channel. It is often said that there are subjects like politics or religion that are better not to discuss in public, but I have always been transparent within the framework of Français Authentique, I have always shared concerns that I had, and currently, spirituality is something very important in my life.
As usual, I will approach this subject with great humility, with great respect and with a total open-mindedness. So I would like to share with you my story malaysia whatsapp number data without pretension. It is an imperfect story of a human being who, by definition, is imperfect and who is looking for meaning. I am obviously not trying to influence anyone. If there is one subject for which we must listen to ourselves, it is this one. I am only sharing my questions. You will see that I am still searching, questioning.
There are probably many members who are more advanced than me in this questioning or on this path and it will be with great pleasure that I can read your comments. So, watch this video in full and share your experience with me. Take this video as an exercise in understanding French and as a testimony.
This video is a follow-up to my podcast of November 1, 2023, which was entitled ” My Spiritual Path “. I will go over the major points that I had covered in this podcast. And besides, I had a lot of positive feedback. Many members had encouraged me, so thank you. And I will give you some news after 6 months.
I have been interested in personal mark maloney ceo development for about 13 years. Before, I tended to move forward in my life without asking myself any questions. I did what seemed good to me, right, interesting to me, but I didn’t have a big plan and I didn’t ask myself many questions.
When we talk about personal development, we are ultimately talking about 4 dimensions. I talk about it in my book, whether it is PDF or audio or physical, paper, ” 4 pills for a rich and stress-free life “. You don’t see it very well, but it is there, this book. Besides, you can get the PDF version for free. It is the first link in the description. You will discover the 4 dimensions of personal development: the physical dimension, the emotional dimension, the mental dimension and the spiritual dimension.
Over the past 10 years, I have taken a lot of actions to work on the dimensions: physical, the body; emotional, the reaction to our emotions or the management of our emotions; and mental, the brain and making it work. Sports, reading, writing in a journal, walking, all of that, these are things that help us in these first three dimensions (physical, emotional and mental). But the fourth dimension, the fourth pill, the spiritual dimension, it has always been a challenge for me, it has always been something that caused me difficulties, it has never been something intuitive and natural for me. I have always had difficulty making it a priority.
And it just comes from my childhood
I grew up in an atheist family. My parents were purely materialistic, that is to say, for them, there was no spiritual dimension, we were…, we as human beings, we are, according to them, only material beings. So, there is the body, but there is no spirit or soul. That’s what we call someone materialistic.
We never talked about death, the aleart news meaning of life, and we never asked ourselves the big questions at home. What is the universe? How long has it existed? What is infinity? Why is there something instead of nothing? Did human beings come about through evolution and chance or were they created by a creator? We never asked ourselves those questions at home.
Of course, I don’t judge my parents for that at all. They had other concerns. They instilled a lot of moral values in us, so they focused on moral education and general culture, so there is no problem or reproach at that level. I have a very, very good relationship with my parents. And I also lost my dad on July 4, 2023, and it’s something that, even today, makes me suffer enormously.