the rules for the sale of certain types of goods

For example, to promote an online store selling household appliances, the key phrases “buy a laptop” and “inexpensive TV” are used. Then, meta tags and site titles are formed accordingly, internal and external links are implemented. SEO methods allow you to promote a site to the top lines of search results, where it is easier for target users to find it.

This method of attracting leads has a long-term effect and also requires almost no investment. However, such work requires a lot of time.

Content Marketing

In this case, attracting the target audience is achieved through useful content.

Let’s say a law firm runs a blog where it posts current legal information. At the end of each article, readers are offered the opportunity to sign up for a personal consultation. To do this, they need to fill out a form. Regular visitors usually take advantage of this opportunity.

Content marketing helps build consumer trust in a brand and is long-term focused. However, it does require time and resources to create quality content.

Email Marketing

A subscription base is formed, to which advertising letters are then sent.

For example, there is an online store. The management decided to organize a mailing with useful articles to new subscribers. The measure is aimed at motivating target customers to make their first orders.

This form of lead generation is very cheap for advertisers and provides good conversion if organized correctly. But it requires a high-quality subscriber base. A significant disadvantage of email marketing is the possibility of letters ending up in spam.

its installation is not mandatory for absolutely all

is established by the manufacturer of the product or its seller (clause 7 of Article 5 of Law No. 2300-1);

counted from the moment of sale, but in the sales c level contact list  contract the warranty periods can be agreed upon individually;The manufacturer, seller or importer is responsible (clause 6, article 5 of Law No. 2300

Responsibility for violation of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods

For retail outlets, Article 14.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation defines administrative liability for  big Idea for business: a formula that helps sell violating the rules for selling certain types of goods. This may be a warning or a fine. The amounts are as follows: for individuals – 300-1500 rubles, for officials – 1-3

Answers to frequently asked questions about the rules for the sale of certain types of goods.

Is it necessary to indicate the full name of the packer?


What are the nuances for gas stations?

In the new Rules for the Sale of Certain Typesexecutive list   of Goods, paragraph 71 states that at retail outlets selling fuel, the seller is obliged to provide the customer with a copy of the document confirming the quality of the fuel (passport), certified by the owner of the gas station (o.

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