TOP 5 mistakes in maintaining personal profiles


Complex, unclear profile name

This is not the biggest mistake, but it can slow down the development of the profile. We would recommend simplifying the profile name by indicating the full name, surname and some other information


How should it be? It’s good if the profile name is accurate mobile phone number list easy to remember. Often a person unsubscribes from a blogger, and then accidentally remembers him and subscribes again. A name + the beginning of a surname, a name + numbers, a funny word, but short and simple, will do.

Identical photos

Yes, it’s not as important as in a business profile, but still. Who likes monotony? It’s boring. Especially when one angle is used, the same poses.

How should it be? People love dynamics and variety. Try experimenting with angles, poses, frame proximity, processing. Even if you have to sit in a tegist, account, creative director small apartment. Believe me, a little imagination, props and you can make a great visual.


Boring posts with cliche phrases

Reading posts like “what a beautiful day”, “good mood to everyone”, “spring has come” is of no interest to anyone. Long reflections on the great without a conclusion or moral are boring.


How should it be? Yes, social networks are created for relaxation, but you can write a short useful post, share impressions, tell a funny or touching story. Be sure to include details and interesting details.

If you don’t know what to write, either don’t post anything, or publish photos without a caption.

Write long posts with continuation in the comments

Do you really think that someone is interested cyprus business directory in scrolling through 100500 comments to get to yours with a continuation? Once upon a time, such a trick worked and was even a kind of tool for promotion and engagement. But today it is taboo.

How should it be? If the post is too long, it can be turned into a story and divided into a couple of posts. In this case, it is better to publish them once every couple of days or every other day.

If the post can’t be divided, make a continuation in the form of pictures for a circular gallery. It’s more convenient and looks more attractive.

More than three Stories just with a talking head

Million-following bloggers prove that such Stories are an unsuccessful promotion tool, since many people watch them without sound.

How should it be? If you want to make a video in a “talk” format, be sure to add subtitles or a short description.



Most often, difficulties arise already at the initial stage of working with posts, Stories and visuals. We recommend starting with a basic set of tools for a marketer : templates for Stories, social networks and posts. And then look for your own style and move to a new level of content delivery.

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