Hello everyoneand welcome to this new episode of the Authentic French podcast his grave . I wonder if you were there last week when we dissected the expression ” se tenir à carreau “. If you weren’t there and you want to know more, I’ll let you listen to the last episode as soon as you have a little time. Today, we’re going to see the meaning of the expression “se tourne dans sa tombe”. So at first glance like that, it seems a little creepy, but in truth, it’s not so creepy, you’ll see.
Before we start, have you already signed up for Johan’s free course ” 7 rules for speaking French without getting stuck “? If you haven’t signed up yet, then don’t miss out, it’s free. It doesn’t cost anything, as they say in French. The course has been updated to suit today’s tastes and I would even say that it has been enriched, really. This course will give you the keys to understanding French, but also and above all to speaking it. So don’t hesitate to sign up, the link is in the description, if you want more details.
Now let’s get back to explaining our expression
of the day “to turn in one’s grave”. So we’ll start with the explanation of the words, as usual.
So we already have the verb “to return”, “to turn new zealand whatsapp number data around”, it is to turn in another direction, it is to change position by turning.
Then we have the preposition “in”, which is a preposition of place that means inside.
And the word “tomb”, therefore “his tomb”, place where the dead are buried.
As for the meaning of the expression, its origin sends back a rather strong image. The situation is so shocking, so unacceptable that even a dead person mark longworth director of the company would react, while he is supposed to rest in peace in his grave. So we use the expression here to express a disagreement with an event or behavior. So it means to be extremely shocked, it is said of a situation, an attitude, an event that would anger a deceased person who would outrage him or even upset him.
I will follow with three examples, three contexts, so that you understand the meaning of this expression.
First example: Karl Marx must be turning
his grave when he sees our ultra-capitalist society.” In this example, we are talking about Karl Marx who was a philosopher, a communist sociologist and above all anti-capitalist. So here, we are saying that if he saw today’s society which is indeed ultra-capitalist, well he would be turning in his grave. In fact, he would be outraged, it would upset him, it would make him completely angry.
Second example: “If grandma knew that her sculptures had been thrown away, she would turn in her grave.” So here, we are talking about a grandma who died a complete list of unit phone numbers and whose sculptures were thrown away and we imagine that she would be outraged, shocked, upset, even indignant, if she knew that her sculptures had been thrown away.
Third example: “Seeing you spend all your money on alcohol and parties, your father would turn in his grave.” Here, we are talking about a father who has died and who would be indignant,
That’s it for the three little examples. I’m going to give you a little exercise, this time, in pronunciation, in particular in sentence construction, so with the verb “devoir” + “se tourne dans sa tombe”. So I’ll pronounce the sentences and let you repeat after me.