What Are the Similarities and Differences?

PR and Marketing: What Are the Similarities and Differences?
The goal of PR is promotion, so PR is sometimes call marketing (and vice versa). In fact, these are different terms. PR is a mobile phone number data updated 2025 narrower concept, it has its own boundaries and areas of application. Marketing is a broader term. PR technologies can be us in marketing campaigns, various types of promotion and promotion, but marketing is not limit to them. It also includes advertising integrations, targeting, SEO and other means.

What is PR for?

The abbreviation of PR by definition sounds like “public relations”, and this clearly shows its main goal. It consists of establishing connections and relationships between a business and clients, contractors, subcontractors – everyone who can be useful to the company. It can highlight several narrower PR goals, for example:

increas recognition;
improving reputation;
crisis and scandal resolution;
promotion of values;
image formation;
growth of authority.
PR functions
The main functions of PR include:

monitoring public how to improve organic search with local citations sentiment , studying its interests and nes, audience analysis;
responding to events and audience behavior, i.e. creating content for the mia, collaborating and developing materials that are interesting to the target audience;
achieving effective relationships with all important audiences, such as potential and existing clients, counterparties, contractors, suppliers and partners, own employees and third-party organizations.
These functions will be useful for any company: both B2B and B2C. There are always tasks for PR.

Types of PR

PR methods vary depending on its type. There are two main ways to classify PR campaigns. The technologies and tools that will be us in the process depend on it.

By “color”. PR can be white, gray and black, as well as yellow and green.

White – completely clean email honest and open: good news about the company, interesting news items, truthful information and a policy of transparency.
Gray – legal but using questionable methods. Also includes unintentional bad influence on reputation, for example, from loyal customers.
Black – the most well-known type, bas on compromising evidence, rumors, and spreading false information. Often us to denigrate a company, but can sometimes be a form of extreme promotion.
Green – PR on the topic of ecology and environmental protection.
Yellow – bas on gossip and scandal, often us by celebrities.
White PR is usually us in marketing, but depending on the company’s image, elements of other types of PR may also be us.

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