What language do you ne the content in?

If necessary, you ne to purchase a local domain, which is quite inexpensive. What language do you ne the content in?

What language do you ne the whatsapp data content in? By default, the Russian version should be us in a specific country, but if there is a strong demand for a national language, it is worth creating a regional version. Or if this regional version is vital for users and the business understands that it will be useful to customers, then it should be creat.

In what languages ​​should queries be select?

Initially, we take a list of queries in Russian, translate it into the national language, collect the frequency in both languages ​​(preferably both Ahrefs.com and Google Ads Keyword Planner).
How to set up geolocation?
Let’s look at this using Kazakhstan as an example. For users coming to 2 versions of the site – RU and KZ – you ne to configure the how to use data and analytics to refine your organic search strategy display of the region selection block depending on the GEO IP. Important: for search robots, contacts and content relat to a specific local version of the site should also be display.

The region selection should be bas on IP

Since there will be a single content for all regions of Kazakhstan, a single item Kazakhstan is sufficient in the region selection block.

When selecting/defining one of the Russian regions, the user remains on the main site. When selecting the Kazakhstan region, the user must go to site.kz. The defin or select region must be display in the site header under the logo.

How to implement template optimization on language versions?
For title and meta tag templates, you should use either it machine translation, check for errors (express option), or individual translation (optimal option).

How to indicate prices on the website?

Prices on a local website must be europe email translat into the currency of a specific country (in tenge, Uzbek sums or Azerbaijani manats) with mandatory translation in the source code.
In working projects, this requires setting up integration with the Central Bank of the Russian Feration to parse current rates and display dynamically convert prices.
What are the technical nuances of website optimization for new regions?
It is necessary to generate sitemap.xml files for all promot versions. Robots.txt files should also be up-to-date if something on the sites differs from the Russian version.
What are the requirements for indicating contacts on the website?

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