A Develop a plan for managing

 Electronic waste, by developing programs to recycle waste and use it for various purposes. b Choose products that can be easily disassembled so components and materials can be recovered. T Cooperating with responsible bodies when recycling electronic waste and committed to safety and environmental preservation standards. The sun is a tremendous source of energy.


The Earth receives an amount


of solar energy every day that amounts Cyprus Mobile Number List to , times the planet’s daily need for electricity. Some countries are characterized by the abundance of solar energy in terms of the strength and concentration of sunlight falling on solar panels, or what is known as global horizontal irradiance, abbreviated as GHI. Among the countries most characterized by the abundance of solar energy is Yemen, then Eritrea, then the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


But the intensity of sunlight

decreases when it reaches the Earth, due to the Belgium Phone Number List distance of the Sun from the Earth, in addition to the role of the atmosphere and clouds in absorbing or scattering % of it, so there are different techniques to make optimal use of it. Photovoltaic solar cells are used to convert sunlight into direct electrical current. This current enters the inverter to convert it into alternating current suitable for consumption. This energy is then stored in batteries. These cells are not used alone, 

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