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The benefits. As Marketing Land points out it is wise to keep up with current trends locationbased marketing provides a high returnoninvestment. The website cites a percent likelihood that customers will show immediate interest in direct calltoaction marketing message when a customer sees the retailer in person. Making LocationBased Marketing Work If you understand your needs see what components you need to create and add to evaluate refine and keep monitoring your locationbased marketing campaign can be an effective arrow in your marketing quiver. Editorial Note This content was originally published in.

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Sales Startups Business Plans Applying the right pricing strategy can be the difference between success and failure for Vietnam Phone Number your business. Get it right and youll attract customers and beat the competition. Get it wrong and you could end up either deterring customers with high prices or leaving money on the table by charging too little. Which Pricing Strategy Is Right for Your Business Pricing strategies discover the right approach for your business. graphic source Dont believe me Believe legendary investor Warren Buffett who said The single most important decision in evaluating a business is pricing power. If youve got the power to raise prices without.

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