Consequently, this is not an

Consequently this is not an absolute metric, but the average call handling time is a metric for evaluating individual teams within the call center. First Call Resolution Percentage of requests resolved in a single call, therefore requiring neither the user nor the operator to undergo a second call. This parameter is actually an agent performance indicator. The better the agent, the higher the individual FCR will be.

However, this is not an exact

Measure. Because the resolution of the call may require action from someone other than the agent. Such as a supervisor or another canada phone number  department. FCR is difficult to measure accurately and must be carefully evaluated. Transfer Rate In addition to First Call Resolution, some call centers also measure the speed of transfer. This is a measure, expressed as a percentage. f the number of calls that the operator must transfer to someone else to complete.

This could be a supervisor or

another department. The reason for the transfer could be due to operator fault, user request, or incorrect routing of the incoming call. Idle Time This is a measure, usually expressed in seconds, of the time it takes for an operator to complete a Singapore Phone Number  call after the user has hung up. For example, it could be the time taken by the operator to place the required material in an envelope and mail it to the user. Some call centers require operators to handle such problems while the user waits on the phone. This will result in less downtime, but higher call handling time.

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