Who have delivered or received

To “create links” between people and spread love on the networks. social. On Facebook This is more “general public” communication, we react to news that affects most of the population. It often happens to use Twitter as a “lab” and broadcast the best tweets on Facebook. We also want to “create a link” with Facebook: …

What is the Importance of Homework to Students

In recent years, there has been an ongoing debate among academics about the extent to which homework can contribute to students’ academic success. In fact, some claim that schoolwork is burdensome and should not be given to students. Although various theories are issued by those who are said to be intelligent, most teachers still give …

But Who Do you Want to Answer A High” Price

An objection as superficial as it is frequent, but without getting into the polemic I will dwell on what should be the upstream objectives of the investigation and the expectations in terms of the results obtained. It is clear that the price cannot be  by the market alone, consumer opinion is an important indication but …