Beatriz Carvalho Marketing Analyst at

Difficulty finding new customers Consumer habits have chang and adapt to the digital world. Today, most consumers are aware of the ne to do online searches before closing a deal with any company. Therefore, if you want to find customers and be consider by those prospects who are looking for solutions similar to yours, you …

Pollo comments on the partnership with

The more focus your strategy is and the closer you get to the right audience, the greater the chances of conversion . Allows access to consumer feback Social networks Above all allow the company and customers to communicate in a much more transparent way. Users tend to use these tools to communicate in a more …

Company’s website dicat to oral care

This is one of the benefits, especially for small and mium-siz companies. The cost-benefit of the investment is excellent : in addition to allowing you to work at more affordable prices, campaigns tend to be much more segment, allowing you to reach only that audience that really matters to your business . Greater reach The …

And common mouth problems Colgate shows

Clinging to metrics that do not provide relevant data for your company is what we call vanity metrics. They may look nice, but they are not in-depth for your business nes. How to create a Digital Marketing plan? When investing in Digital Marketing strategies, it is essential to have a marketing plan , as carrying …