Telemarketing campaigns: a current

strategy now more than ever January 31, 2022 5 minutes to read When we speak of telemarketing campaigns, we immediately think of the classic phone call that comes from a company selling a particular good or service. In reality.  Telemarketing is much more and, if in the right manner and in an appropriate context, it can provide great satisfaction.

You’re probably thinking

But does the commercial phone call still work?” If we take the cold call as a reference, the answer is certainly no. The cold call is taiwan phone number  nothing more than a call to a person who has never shown interest either in the company or in the product. The situation changes completely if we refer to a so-called warm call, that is a ‘hot call’ to a user who has shown interest or has even already purchased a good or a service.

Telemarketing is one of our

outbound call center services and we are often required not only to sell, but also to conduct market research, collect lead generation and contacts, conduct online surveys, etc. We are able to replicate the required activities with our focused Sri Lanka Phone Number  training department, transferring your corporate culture to consumers. The partners who turned to us increased their customer satisfaction rate by 24%, indicating important numbers that testify to the credibility and effectiveness of our work.

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