We are very clear that any innovation strategy. Must be based on knowledge of the macro and micro consumer trends that people’s behavior reveals to us, as well as on the analysis of the impact you expect these to have on your industry. So, when we talk about innovation based on insights we express the enormous importance of trend research in innovation management. For this reason, we have included in the dynamics we carry out with our clients an activity that helps identify consumer trends and how companies are converting them into opportunities, while encouraging the ideation of solutions and an innovation strategy.

Virtual relationships: digitally together

What is a trend A trend is a new manifestation of a fundamental need of people, through a new behavior, a new attitude or expectation (Manson et. Trend Driven Innovation). For example, the pandemic is already generating trends that arose from the need to  Japan WhatsApp Number Data  adapt our personal and business relationships. But there are also others that were changing our lives, the way we work and interact with brands before. In this article and the next we will review several consumer trends with the intention of helping you develop an innovation strategy. The idea is that you can answer questions like: What are the local and global trends in your industry Which ones mark people’s behavior.

Less s more: consolidate applications

How do they impact your business and the industr How do they impact your environment? What are the most important changes that will occur in the medium and long term? What do these changes mean for your company and industry consumer trends  Afghanistan WhatsApp Number List  to analyze 1- Low contact economy Experiencing a pandemic has disrupted our lives, which will lead us to acquire new post habits and regulations. This is how a new global economic paradigm emerges based on the reduction of close contact in interactions, restrictions due to hygiene measures and permanent changes in industries. world (physical digital) The physical and digital worlds will converge in the same space. For millennials, the threshold between physical and digital does not exist: 82% want to access customizable. This involves changing segmentations and processes from fixed services to contextual models.

By fkgjoiu

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