Today’s customer is almost 100% of their time online. And it’s knowing this and investing in a personalized strategy that you can sell more. Today, in particular, we will talk about the health area. According to a survey carried out by the app tut website, the hashtagsaúde was one of the most used by brazilians in in addition, google points out that every 20 searches made on the platform, one is about health. This shows us that the theme is, more than ever, being a subject in the virtual environment. We are living in the digital era and it is marked as the era in which (even) patients have definitively sealed an alliance with digitization.

But this does not mean that the relationship

Between patient and professional has changed. On the contrary: despite technology and the internet serving as a tool for health care, patients still report that they greatly value the personal relationship they create with health professionals. But then what changed? With this patient’s new behavior , he starts to search for new professionals on google instead of  Switzerland Business Fax List consulting with doctors only by indication, for example. Read here: 5 practical digital marketing strategies for doctors! And this shows us that the service model needs to be renewed. Having more access to information, the new generations are more participatory and empowered in decisions regarding their treatments and other matters related to their health. And in this way, they are seeking an increasingly personalized service.


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How to engage increasingly digital patients

With the accession of the internet by patients, we are living the ideal moment to invest in digital marketing. And with digital marketing for healthcare professionals you not only create engagement with your patients, but also improve communication with Fax Marketing them and response to treatments. The use of a good marketing strategy can improve the experience of a future customer throughout the purchase journey that he will go through until he actually becomes your patient. And how is this done? Through the sales funnel. With the sales funnel you create a “relationship” with your future patient and with marketing automations you nurture this relationship until it reaches the end of the purchase journey with the decision already made to become your client.

By yylyd

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