Years ago it was most important to acquire as many external links as possible in quantity and sometimes use dubious means to acquire them such as buying with money nowadays you have to invest in the quality of external links. Nowadays we talk more about earning links rather than acquiring them. As a tip – create content that others want to link to even without asking. A big comprehensive and permanent change in search engine optimization has also been the fact that worldwide already 58% of all Google searches are

Done on a mobile device

This naturally also means that websites must primarily be optimiz for mobile devices. Things like site responsiveness were certainly not optimiz in the early days of search engine optimization business lead and even today it is not difficult to find sites that lack mobile friendliness. A big comprehensive and permanent change in search engine optimization has also been the fact that worldwide already 58% of all Google searches are done on a mobile device. While once upon a time in history search engine optimization was determin by

Three different criteria

Today the ranking of a single landing page is determin by more than 200 different criteria. In addition these two hundr criteria have different weights so it is good to be constantly aware of what will bring Fax Marketing about the biggest changes and to weigh the ratio of the amount of work and the benefit. Nowadays avoid e.g. these in search engine optimization Excessive use of keywords Buying or exchanging links Optimization for desktop users only Focusing on just a few SEO criteria Forgetting high-quality and unique content Failure to follow

By yylyd

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