Companies often like sales and marketing together in joint roles. Especially in the upper leadership. We often seen titles like “director of sales and marketing” or “vp of sales and marketing”. However. It has been our experience that most of these roles are muddl. In trying to combine them. This causes one or the other (either sales or marketing) to be neglect.In our thinking. The two rules should never be combin. While marketing and sales do have some overlap and have potential to enhance each other. Combing them is an error. It’s the classic “jack of all trades. Master of none” type of mindset.  Treat sales as sales and marking as marketing. Marketing doesn’t quite understand sales. And sales doesn’t quite understand marketing.

Keep them separate for better results

Keep them separate for better results0. When marketing and sales are forc into a partnership. It is new database often the case that the director and/or vp has a natural inclination to one or the other. Many of those in leadership positions may not even realize they have a bias for or against one or the other. It’s human nature to have a natural tendency towards either sales or marketing. But not to both.

While the two are relat in that they both help a company

While the two are relat in that they both help a company drive new business. They shouldn’t be treat as the same. Generally. Marketing is responsible for branding. Getting the word out about the business. And in the process. This also generates leads. Sales take a more active role by Fax Marketing nurturing leads that come to the company via marketing efforts. Through networking. Trade shows. Prospecting. And other tactics. The two are relat. But different. And they ne to be celebrating for their differences for the greater good of the company.

By yylyd

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