We posted a tweet saying “Check out our selection of bouquets for Women’s Day” along with a link: By clicking on the link, Internet users were redirected to a page explaining that it is not Women’s Day but Women’s Rights Day and that women do not want flowers for this day but equality with men.  clicking on the link and were surprised when they discovered the hidden “true message”. Our objective in communication is not to “sell at all costs”, it is also important for us to communicate to change mentalities as we also did with our video ” Dear Dads “.

That wishes can add its prize and Internet

Finally, several years ago we launched an operation called “Petits Papas CM” (which you already mentioned last year ). This is an idea that we launched during whatsapp mobile number list an exchange with several brands. On Twitter and that we wanted to develop. The principle : Each year a collaborative hood bringing together. As many brands as possible is created and put into play on Twitter. Each brand that wishes can add its prize and Internet users can participate to win it all (+ each prize separately to increase the number of winners). Last year more than 70 brands participated in the operation.

To enhance the interactions between

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We hope to do even better this year. Have you quantified, in one way or another, the fruits of your presence? What KPIs do you use? The objective for us is not Fax Marketing necessarily to do “the maximum of RT” but to create a link. We really want to enhance the interactions between the company and Internet users, which is why we respond to all people on Twitter, even “trolls” for example. Regarding the KPIs, this of course depends on the news broadcast. For example for delivery without address, the number of deliveries made following the dissemination of this news and the articles that we have obtained are of course important.