Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing tools to reach our target audience. Its advantages with respect to SEO positioning or social networks are related to its immediacy, its low costs and its flexibility. But its management is complex, which is why in most cases the desired results are not achieved. Below I am going to explain some aspects to take into account so that our strategy works.

What is email marketing

By  we understand the sending of industry email list communication by e-mail with a clear objective to a specific user database, of whom we have their consent to send it. Its version in the offline world would be direct marketing. Among the most common objectives we can find: Communicate an offer or promotionDay without VAT…) Build loyalty by offering information of interest articles, course information, etc. Announce a new fact. Confirm a subscription, registration or sale. Encourage sales to both an online store and our physical store. Types of  Regarding the types of mailing, we can establish three according to their objective: Newsletter. They are usually sent periodically. They can include different types of content: articles, course information, offers, promotions, etc. 

Advantages of email marketing campaigns

Speed. The time to design an campaign is Fax Marketing relatively short. If we have all the necessary information, in a maximum of a couple of hours we can make our shipment. Immediacy. The recipient receives it at the time we decide immediately. Straight. The communication of a mailing must be direct, both in the subject and in the copy and in the call to action. And all elements must be at the service of the CTA . Otherwise we will not achieve the objectives. Personalized. Each recipient can receive a completely personalized email. 

By yylyd

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