The European citizens’ initiative

 Way of contributing to the .  Definition of European Union policies in which a group  .  Of citizens asks the European Commission to propose new legislation. The Commission is not to register all initiatives. It only records  .  Initiatives that meet certain criteria .  namely: the group of organizers  .  Has been and the contact  .  Persons the legal entity (optional) has been specifically to manage the initiative .  And the representative is .  To act on its behalf the initiative concerns a subject on which the Commission has the power to propose EU legislation the initiative is not abusive .  Frivolous or vexatious the initiative is in line with: i) EU values; and ii) the  .  Rights in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. If the initiative obtains the .  Minimum support – one million people, with a minimum number of signatories in at least EU countries – you will have the right to meet with the Commission and present the initiative at a hearing in the European Parliament.

 The Commission has six months

From the date of presentation of the initiative to respond. This takes the form of a communication setting out any measures to be taken, if applicable, as well as any justifications, and indicating a timetable for the implementation of these measures. The communication is on the Citizens’ Initiatives website in all official EU languages. The Commission also informs the European Parliament, the Council of the EU, the Europ Business Email List ean Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and all EU national parliaments. It should be that the Commission is not to propose legislation, the aim of the European citizens’ initiative is to allow Europeans to launch a debate and influence the EU’s political program, but the Commission is not to adopt measures. If you decide not to act, you must clearly state your reasons for that inaction.

 Within the framework of the

European citizens’ initiative ” Stop Finning – Stop the Trade on January , million European citizens the European Commission to put an end to the trade in loose child protection systems. This intention had prev Arabia Email List iously been in the March EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child. EU Member States have an obligation to protect children from all forms of violence. They must therefore adopt appropriate legislative, administrative, social and measures to effectshark fins in the EU. In its response to the initiative, on July , the Commission to examining the opportunity to adopt a legislative measure that would require that sharks on the market — whether for consumption in the EU or for export — must have fins naturally to the body. Such measures would complement the current EU policy that foresees “fins naturally to the body.

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