Studies show that the benefits sought during the shopping activity are not only connected to the need to find the goods. There are also non-rational motivations underlying shopping:
– Personal such as self-gratification, being trendy, getting out of the rut, etc;
– Social such as the desire to bargain, to acquire a superior status, to feel part of a group.

Other important reasons derive from: 

– The anticipation of the utility: a part of the benefits and the satisfaction that will derive from the consumption of the good are experienced in advance.
That feeling of well-being from driving your new car, which will arrive in two months…
– Optimization of choice: similar to the sense from  Whatsapp Mobile Number List accof superiority and satisfaction that the consumer gets when he finds exactly what he was looking for

I visited 10 websites and now I’m sure this is the product I was looking for and if I get it today I get a 20% discount, I got a deal…


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Motivations of a symbolic-experiential nature
Four types of motivations of a symbolic-experiential nature deriving from needs have been identified in the literature:
1. Need for identification: for example, to be recognized on an individual level, assuming a status
2. Need for affiliation: for example, the search for social contacts, joining a community
3. Need for affirmation: example need to haggle, or superiority over the sales staff
4. Need to find new stimuli: get out of monotony and routine

Attitude towards the purchasing activity is a critical factor in segmenting demand.
It is very important to clarify the difference betwer and Consumer. The buyer is the one who buys a good or a service and is the person who uses the services of the point of sale (parking, layout, environment, etc.). The Consumer is the person who uses the goods or benefits from the service purchased by the buyer. The consumer may not even be interested in where the good was purchased.
Consumer and Buyer can be the same person, but not necessarily.
Today in the hardware store Anna bought a white washaint that her husband Luca will apply this afternoon on the kitchen walls. Anna is the buyer, Luca the consumer.

It is also worth identifying two opposing figures when it comes to purchases:
– Those who experience the purchasing process as an experience with which to satisfy their psycho-social needs;
– People who consider the purchase only because it is useful to satisfy a need, therefore we speak of “functional purchase”
It is almost impossible for a person to fit perfectly into one of the two categories described above; all of us instead want a shopping experience for certain types of goods or services, while others buy them only for their function.

There are three fundamental aspects of the  shopping experience :

– Customer traffic flows

– The atmosphere of the store

– The excessive crowding of the point of sale

Customer traffic flows

Thanks to tracking-type searches, the routes usually taken by consumers are detected. It was therefore possible to obtain information on  in-store traffic patterns , attraction centres, congestion points and low-traffic areas within the store. From this information, some suggestions can be drawn to  improve the profitability  of commercial enterprises. For example Tax Marketing isconversely allocate impulse purchase products to more heavily trafficked areas.

By yylyd

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