Tokyo seeks olympic sustainability

Japan just declared its heat wave a national disaster. Died and thousands were hospitalized due to. The high temperatures. Measures are being taken to protect the elderly and young children as japan has hit a record temperature in st northwest of the capital tokyo. This can be a problem. Tokyo is set to host the olympic games and with this heat wave causing numerous deaths., many. Are wondering how japan will take. This issue into. Account when the games arrive. They have planted more trees along the route that the runners will pass, but if temperatures continue to rise, the shade from the trees will probably not be enough to protect against possible fainting and dehydration. Fortunately, in 1996, the olympic games created the goal of incorporating three main factors into the olympics: sport, culture, and the environment.

Ln the past, many countries that hosted the games did

Not do much to include the environmental aspect.Ut with climate change on the rise, this issue is something. That cannot be avoided. Now, japan has Iran WhatsApp Number Data published a sustainability report , ensuring that the environment is. Incorporated into games through three main .Theme climate change the route to go in the direction of zero carbon emissions . Their sustainability report has revealed that they plan to use their existing facilities rather than using energy and materials to build new ones, as stadiums are usually never used after games. It is also alleged that they will use renewable electricity in their competition venues and in the olympic village.

Promoting public transportation will also be a focus for

Tokyo, motivating tourists to make an effort to use. Trains and buses to reduce their carbon emissions. Overall, the games are expected to. Release even  Azerbaijan WhatsApp Number List  making a small effort to keep carbon emissions low. Helps sustainability during the games .Resource management the effort to reach zero waste. They have set a goal f of products to be recyclable and to recycle 65% of waste from game operations. The waste production from the olympic games is very high due to the number of visitors coming into the country and setting a goal to recycle that waste will greatly decrease the effect they have on the . The natural environment and biodiversity the city within nature and using recycled water. Recycling water during the games will limit the amount of water wasted and reduce the use of japan’s freshwater sources.

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