Inbound Marketing France has been resolutely “customer benefit” oriented since its inception. It is in line with this orientation that. We have decided to launch this award. A real opportunity for companies to detail. Their inbound marketing strategy and shine! Leaders. Marketing manager or inbound marketer, let us discover. All the actions you have put in place to attract. Convert and transform your prospects into customers. But above all to give them an experience like no other. challenges and problems.

It also means knowing how to adapt

Based on this observation, our jury will focus less on strategic decisions than on your interpretation of inbound strategy for your own business. Because for us, an inbound marketing strategy means respecting the fundamentals, but not only! It also means knowing how to adapt them to phone number list one’s profession and environment, while daring to add a touch of originality, the one that will make the difference and will be able to touch the prospect and convert him into a customer. In short, to try to win this Grand Prix, five essentials are to be remembered. 1- The fundamentals Of course, who says inbound marketing strategy first says mastering the digital fundamentals.

To appear naturally in the results

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Any digital strategy is based on these three basic levers, which must be assessed and implemented according to your objectives (audience acquisition, conversion). As you Fax Marketing have understood, we are obviously talking here about natural referencing, paid referencing and content, which are essential in BtoB Marketing. Natural referencing (SEO) is the basis of any website. Without him, impossible to be seen! To appear naturally in the results of Google and search engines on the keywords that interest you, your site must rely on three central elements: The technical structure The contents Netlinking. No digital strategy can be done without deep work on natural referencing. Since user intent is at the heart of Google’s concerns, which strongly values ​​it in its algorithms, it is what will have to carry out all your work, both in the structure of your site and in its content.