Audible with Amazon Prime is free for the first 3 months , there are 2 more months of free trial than those who are not registered with Amazon’s Prime service. What is Audible Once the free trial period expires, the cost of the  service becomes 9.99 euros per month. You can cancel your  subscription at any time , without obligation, even while you are enjoying the trial period.

What is Audible The Amazon

Platform allows you to immerse yourself in the best literary stories through the voice of the book’s own creators or the best voice company data actors. If you want to know in depth, see how to use it, how to install it, unsubscribe or cancel your subscription to this platform. Is a service for audiobooks , original podcasts and children’s audio games, which you can listen to on your phone, computer or tablet. It’s a great way to read while traveling or exercising, and you can even turn some of the books into audiobooks. 

The literary genres that you

 Amazon books are very varied: Police, thriller, science fiction, fantasy, children’s books. Romance, personal development, education, etc. I think that with this you already have an idea of ​​what Audible is and what it is for. Subscribers can choose their own audiobook titles, and can also browse.

Audible is a service for audiobooks , original Fax Marketing podcasts and children’s audio games, which you can listen to on your phone, computer or tablet. It’s a great way to read while traveling or exercising.

By yylyd

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