Delaying the payment of the individual microentrepreneur simple collection document (das-mei) brings several problems for the entrepreneur. Therefore, to avoid and/or resolve this situation, we have developed this article. Continue reading to find out more! What is das-mei?  new horizons were opened and new opportunities emerged for those workers who, until then, worked informally. Benefits were created, but also obligations! Das-mei, for example, is a must! It is through this document that the entrepreneur collects, monthly, all taxes levied on the business activity of the business. Therefore, paying the das-mei is one of the most important obligations of the microentrepreneur! It is through this obligation that the mei acquires various business and social security benefits and maintains its regular activities before the tax authorities of the various federal entities. 

It is important to highlight that the payment 

Of the das-mei is the only tax obligation of the mei! The das-mei due date is always on the 20th of each month, the value of the document is fixed and will be formed by the possible union of three taxes: inss ( social security contribution ): federal tax and, in the mei guide, will  correspond to a percentage of 5% of the current national minimum wage; icms tax on operations relating to the circulation of goods and on the provision of interstate and intercity transport Australia Business Fax List  and communication services state tax in the amount of r$1.00 for mei; iss (tax on services): municipal tax that, in the mei guide, will correspond to the amount of r$5.00. Thus, the das-mei may have the following values: brl 67.00: meis whose economic activities are related to commerce, industry and/or transport; brl 71.00: meis whose economic activities are related to the provision of services; brl 72.00: meis whose economic activities are the combination of both above. 


What happens if I don’t pay the das-mei 

Fines and interest failure to pay the mei collection document will result in a fine and interest on the face value. In addition, the accumulation of unpaid bills can compromise the financial situation of the business. 2 – loss of social security benefits for meis this period will not be counted towards obtaining social security benefits. If you need sick pay, for example, you may not be entitled; 3 – impossibility of issuing the federal cnd a taxpayer who is in default with Fax Marketing The federal tax authorities loses the right to issue the federal debt clearance certificate. Such a document is sometimes requested when seeking a loan or bank financing. Possibility of canceling the mei registration according to paragraph 15-b of article. Complementary law n after a period of 12 consecutive months without payment or declarations. Regardless of any notification. The mei may have its registration cancelled. Read also:  how to issue mei invoice by clicking.

By yylyd

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