5 tips for an effective content marketing strategy

Is your company adopting the correct practices? Therefore, Content marketing is an old strategy, but often misunderstood at its core. Unlike other techniques, in this one, the content needs to be produced with a focus on the customer’s interest. Therefore, and not on the direct sale of products or services. It is a job that …

How important is social media for entrepreneurs?

Social networks are a communication and sales strategy that is inseparable from the women’s business. When it comes to the digital presence of female entrepreneurs. Social networks, along with messaging apps, are the tools most used by them. According to research by the instituto rede mulher empreendedora. Irme, from of women entrepreneurs believe that the …

Digital accessibility how to eliminate barriers in your e-commerce

These numbers draw attention to practices that promote accessibility. But, unlike what most people think when talking about it, accessibility goes far beyond the adequacy of structures and physical spaces. In this regard, digital accessibility resources arise, which consists of adapting an application, website or social network, so that everyone can have access to information, …

How to calculate the delayed das and avoid tax problems

Delaying the payment of the individual microentrepreneur simple collection document (das-mei) brings several problems for the entrepreneur. Therefore, to avoid and/or resolve this situation, we have developed this article. Continue reading to find out more! What is das-mei?  new horizons were opened and new opportunities emerged for those workers who, until then, worked informally. Benefits …

Perspectives and risks of the internationalization of companies

Do you know what are the perspectives and risks for internationalizing a company? Internationalization is the goal of many businesses that want to expand their operations and boost their profits . But it is not an easy task. In the same way that it provides several opportunities to the company. It presents risks that, if …

Exploring new means of payment in small businesses

Driven by new consumption habits, technological evolution and transformations. New means of payment have been part of brazilians’ daily lives in recent years. If before cash was the most used and valued form of purchase.  Today new methods have ended up replacing this means of payment and have become increasingly popular among consumers. New solutions …

How can you use email sequences to announce new products or services?

 Email sequences are an effective way to announce new products or services to your customers. By using a series of emails, you can build anticipation and excitement for your new offering. And encourage your customers to make a purchase. In this article, we will discuss how to use email sequences to announce new products or …